<a href="http://blogs.amd.com/press/2010/11/15/amd-joins-meego-linux-open-source-linux-project-for-next-generation-mobile-embedded-platforms/" rel="nofollow">http://blogs.amd.com/press/2010/11/15/amd-joins-meego-linux-open-so...</a>
<blockquote>“MeeGo represents an exciting, open-source mobile operating system we expect to be adopted by mobile and embedded device makers over time,†said Ben Bar-Haim, corporate vice president, software development, AMD. “We are glad to provide engineering resources to joint industry efforts like MeeGo and expect that this operating system will help drive our embedded plans and create expanded market opportunities for our forthcoming Accelerated Processing Units.†</blockquote>
So there you go, a quote from the horses mouth so to speak.
As for competing against Meego partner Intel in the Meego target market, this snippet of information from the same article might explain it:
<blockquote>The MeeGo project is hosted by The Linux Foundation, a non-profit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux. AMD is currently a gold level member of the Linux Foundation and has a seat on The Linux Foundationâ€
s board of directors. </blockquote>
<a href="http://www.linuxfoundation.org/node/5887" rel="nofollow">http://www.linuxfoundation.org/node/5887</a>
<i>Edited 2010-11-16 01:59 UTC</i>